At Han Oriental Clinic, we provide a wide variety of therapies designed to support your journey towards a healthier, more balanced, and enjoyable life. Our holistic approach is rooted in traditional Oriental medicine, offering personalized treatments that address your unique health needs.

During a confidential consultation, we conduct a thorough examination, which includes a detailed analysis of your pulse and tongue, both key diagnostic tools in Oriental medicine. We also carefully review your symptoms and medical history to gain a comprehensive understanding of your overall health. Based on these findings, we offer expert guidance and tailored treatment recommendations from an Oriental medical perspective, ensuring that your path to wellness is both effective and aligned with your body's natural healing processes.

Many "weight loss" diets require you to sacrifice physical comfort, make you feel constantly hungry and emotionally deprive you by not allowing you to enjoy the foods you love. The result is often only temporary weight loss, as most of us soon resume our old eating and activity patterns.

There is no such thing as a "magic bullet" in the fight against obesity, aside from the surgical or pharmaceutical alternative with its side effects and temporary relief. As with any legitimate, non-drug weight control remedy, acupuncture is a program that supports your commitment and self-discipline.

Regular acupuncture treatments can help curb food cravings, just as it has been proven to help cravings for other addictive substances like tobacco and alcohol. Support from acupuncture helps to eliminate cravings and increases the will power to overcome them.

Achieving Healthy Weight

We offer 12 sessions:
Tiny, shallow needles attach to the ear in our Ear Needle Therapy and greatly assist your weight loss programme by helping you reduce daily food intake. Based on the N.A.D.A. protocol, you will actually think less about food. Our Weight Control programme is recommended when you are ready to go with your diet plan.

These days many people are trying to quit smoking, but a large number fail. Acupuncture can help you have a better chance at success.

There are many reasons to quit smoking and most experts would agree that quitting is the most important thing you can do for your health.

Cancer of the lungs, bladder, mouth, larynx, pharynx, esophagus, pancreas, kidney, uterus and cervix are reason alone to quit.

However, it's sometimes still hard to quit due to the stress, anxiety and depression associated with quitting.

Acupuncture can help by suppressing nicotine cravings and also stimulate the healing and repair of damaged organ systems.

We also can help with Respiratory Problems

  • Common Cold / Asthma / Hayfever

  • Emphysema / Sinusitis / Bronchitis

Stop Smoking

We offer 6 sessions:

Our Ear Needle Therapy works safely on your sensory nerve system, and is based on the N.A.D.A. protocol.
Tiny, shallow needles attach to the ear; less emotional upset and the smell of smoke will repel.
So, you will quit smoking easily and naturally.

At Han Oriental Clinic, we offer specialized treatments for managing gastrointestinal disharmony, helping to restore balance and improve digestive health. Our acupuncture therapy is effective for:

  • Constipation / Hemorrhoids: Acupuncture promotes smoother bowel movements by regulating digestive function and improving circulation, which can also relieve hemorrhoid discomfort.

  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS): By addressing the body's energy imbalances, acupuncture can help alleviate IBS symptoms such as bloating, cramping, and irregular bowel movements, promoting a healthier digestive system.

  • Diarrhea / Gastritis: Whether due to acute issues or chronic conditions, acupuncture helps regulate your digestive tract, reducing inflammation and discomfort caused by diarrhea or gastritis, and restoring digestive harmony.

Han Oriental Clinic treatments focus on bringing your body back into balance, reducing symptoms, and improving your overall well-being naturally and effectively.

Gastrointestinal Disharmony

Musculoskeletal Problems

  • Sports Injuries: Whether you're dealing with sprains, strains, or recovery from more intense injuries, our acupuncture techniques promote healing and faster recovery.

  • Occupational Overuse Syndrome: Repetitive motions from work can cause discomfort. Acupuncture helps relieve tension, improves circulation, and reduces inflammation in overused muscles and joints.

  • Stiff Neck / Frozen Shoulder: Targeted acupuncture restores range of motion and alleviates stiffness and discomfort in these common problem areas.

  • Neck, Shoulder, and Low Back Pain: Chronic or acute pain in these areas responds well to acupuncture, which addresses the root cause and provides lasting relief.

  • Tennis Elbow / Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: Reduce pain and inflammation in the arms and wrists with precise treatments that help restore function and relieve tension.

  • Sciatica: Acupuncture helps reduce pressure on the sciatic nerve, alleviating shooting pain and improving mobility.

  • Sprain or Twist of Joint: Gentle acupuncture promotes recovery from joint injuries, reducing swelling and speeding up the healing process.

Our approach targets both the symptoms and the underlying causes, helping you recover naturally and maintain long-term health.

At Han Oriental Clinic, we provide expert care for musculoskeletal problems, addressing a wide range of conditions to help you regain mobility and reduce pain.

Our treatments include:

Acupuncture can be a powerful tool for managing various psychological disorders by balancing the body’s energy flow and regulating the nervous system. Here are some psychological conditions that can be treated with acupuncture:

Helps reduce symptoms of sadness, fatigue, and lack of motivation by stimulating the release of neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine, which are often linked to mood regulation.

Acupuncture promotes relaxation, reduces stress hormone levels, and calms the nervous system, helping with symptoms like restlessness, irritability, and panic attacks.

Regular acupuncture treatments can lower cortisol levels, alleviate physical tension, and restore emotional balance, making it effective for managing chronic stress.

Acupuncture helps regulate sleep patterns by addressing the root causes of insomnia, whether they are due to stress, anxiety, or imbalanced energy flow, resulting in improved sleep quality.

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Acupuncture can help reduce hyperarousal, flashbacks, and emotional numbness by calming the mind and balancing the body’s response to stress triggers.

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
By balancing the body’s energy and calming the mind, acupuncture can help reduce obsessive thoughts and compulsive behaviors, providing relief from anxiety-driven patterns.

Panic Disorders
Acupuncture has been shown to reduce the frequency and severity of panic attacks by stabilizing the nervous system and helping to regulate the body’s stress response.

Bipolar Disorder
While acupuncture isn’t a standalone treatment for bipolar disorder, it can be used to manage mood swings, reduce anxiety, and support overall emotional stability.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
Acupuncture may help improve focus, reduce hyperactivity, and calm impulsive behaviors by regulating the body’s energy and enhancing concentration.

By addressing the underlying anxiety associated with specific fears, acupuncture can help desensitize the body’s response to phobic triggers, allowing for greater emotional control.

Psychological Disorders

Acupuncture can be an effective complementary treatment for a variety of cardiovascular problems by helping regulate the body’s circulatory system, reduce stress, and promote overall heart health. Here are some cardiovascular issues that acupuncture can help manage:

Hypertension (High Blood Pressure)
Acupuncture helps regulate blood pressure by promoting relaxation, improving blood circulation, and balancing the body’s stress response. This can lower blood pressure levels naturally and reduce the risk of long-term cardiovascular complications.

For people experiencing irregular or rapid heartbeats, acupuncture can help regulate the heart’s rhythm. By calming the nervous system and improving circulation, it reduces the frequency of palpitations caused by stress or anxiety.

Acupuncture can alleviate chest pain caused by angina by increasing blood flow and reducing muscle tension. It may also help manage the underlying causes of restricted blood flow to the heart.

Cholesterol Management
Acupuncture, along with lifestyle modifications, can aid in reducing cholesterol levels by improving digestion, promoting metabolic balance, and supporting the liver’s function in breaking down fats.

Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD)
Acupuncture can improve circulation to the extremities, relieving symptoms like leg pain, numbness, and cramping, which are common in peripheral artery disease.

Coronary Artery Disease
Acupuncture can help manage coronary artery disease by promoting healthy blood flow, reducing inflammation, and addressing the stress and anxiety that can exacerbate this condition.

8. Stress-Induced Cardiovascular Problems
Chronic stress can lead to cardiovascular issues like elevated heart rate and blood pressure. Acupuncture’s ability to reduce stress and relax the nervous system makes it effective in preventing stress-related heart conditions.

Acupuncture can help regulate irregular heartbeats by balancing the autonomic nervous system, which controls heart rate. This can be helpful for patients dealing with arrhythmias or abnormal heart rhythms.

By targeting the body's energy meridians and improving circulation, acupuncture not only helps treat these cardiovascular conditions but also promotes overall heart health and well-being. It is often used alongside conventional treatments to provide holistic care for heart-related issues.

Cardiovascular problems

Painful Periods / Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)

Acupuncture can significantly reduce symptoms of painful periods (dysmenorrhea) and premenstrual syndrome by promoting better circulation, particularly in the lower abdomen. By stimulating specific acupuncture points, the treatment helps regulate hormonal imbalances that lead to menstrual cramps, bloating, and mood swings. The release of endorphins during acupuncture also acts as a natural painkiller, providing relief from cramps and other PMS-related discomforts.

2. Irregular Periods / Infertility
Irregular periods and infertility often stem from hormonal imbalances or issues related to stress. Acupuncture works by stimulating key points that support the regulation of the hypothalamus-pituitary-ovarian axis, which controls reproductive hormones. Regular acupuncture treatments can help normalize menstrual cycles, improve ovulation, and increase the chances of conception for women experiencing difficulty with fertility. Acupuncture is often combined with other fertility treatments like IVF to enhance their success rates.

3. Menopausal Syndrome
During menopause, many women experience symptoms such as hot flashes, night sweats, insomnia, and mood swings due to fluctuating hormone levels. Acupuncture can help by balancing the body’s energy and regulating the endocrine system, which in turn eases these uncomfortable symptoms. By improving blood circulation and calming the nervous system, acupuncture can also help reduce stress and anxiety, which are common during this life transition.

4. Morning Sickness
For pregnant women, acupuncture is often used to alleviate nausea and vomiting associated with morning sickness, especially in the early stages of pregnancy. Specific acupuncture points, particularly those related to the stomach and spleen, can help settle the digestive system and reduce feelings of nausea without the need for medication, making it a safe and natural option for pregnancy care.

This holistic approach allows acupuncture to address both the physical and emotional components of these conditions, providing a comprehensive solution for women’s health.

Gynecological Disorders

Acupuncture has long been used to support women's health, particularly in addressing various gynecological problems. By restoring the balance of energy (Qi) in the body, acupuncture can help regulate the hormonal and nervous systems, leading to improved reproductive health. Here’s how it specifically aids with common gynecological issues:

Neurological Disorders

Post-Stroke Syndrome / Paralysis
After a stroke, patients often suffer from post-stroke syndromes, which may include paralysis, muscle weakness, or difficulties with speech and mobility. Acupuncture can help improve motor function and promote recovery by stimulating the nervous system, encouraging the regeneration of damaged neurons, and enhancing blood flow to affected areas. Targeting specific acupuncture points can support the body in relearning movements, improving coordination, and reducing muscle spasms.

By promoting neuroplasticity — the brain's ability to reorganize and form new neural connections—acupuncture helps improve muscle control and reduce symptoms like numbness and weakness. Additionally, acupuncture can help relieve post-stroke pain and improve overall quality of life during rehabilitation.

2. Hemiplegia
Hemiplegia, or paralysis of one side of the body, often occurs after a stroke or other brain injury. Acupuncture works by stimulating nerve pathways, helping to reduce inflammation and improve the function of damaged nerves. Regular treatments can gradually improve strength and coordination on the affected side, reduce muscle stiffness (spasticity), and enhance the patient’s mobility. In combination with physical therapy, acupuncture can be an effective complementary treatment in promoting recovery from hemiplegia.

3. Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
Multiple Sclerosis is a progressive autoimmune disease that affects the central nervous system, leading to symptoms such as fatigue, muscle weakness, numbness, and coordination problems. Acupuncture helps MS patients by reducing inflammation and modulating the immune system to minimize flare-ups. It can also alleviate some of the more debilitating symptoms of MS, such as muscle spasms, pain, and fatigue. Additionally, acupuncture's role in promoting relaxation and reducing stress is particularly beneficial for those with MS, as stress can trigger or worsen symptoms.

4. Migraine
Acupuncture is widely recognized for its ability to reduce the frequency and severity of migraines by regulating pain signals and balancing energy flow in the body. By targeting specific points related to the head, neck, and nervous system, acupuncture helps reduce tension in the muscles, alleviate stress, and promote blood circulation to the brain.

Regular acupuncture treatments can also help prevent migraines by stabilizing hormonal imbalances and improving the body’s ability to manage pain. It is often used as a preventive treatment to reduce the need for medication and improve long-term migraine control.

Overall, Han Oriental Clinic offers a non-invasive and holistic approach to managing neurological disorders, enhancing the body’s ability to heal itself and promoting better overall function in patients suffering from conditions like post-stroke paralysis, hemiplegia, multiple sclerosis, and migraines.

Acupuncture has shown promising results in supporting the treatment of various neurological disorders by promoting neuroplasticity, improving circulation, and regulating the body’s energy (Qi).

Here’s how it aids specific neurological conditions:

Metabolic Disorders

Low Energy & Chronic Fatigue

For those experiencing low energy or chronic fatigue syndrome, acupuncture focuses on strengthening the body’s energy reserves and improving circulation. Fatigue often results from an imbalance in the body’s natural energy flow, which acupuncture helps correct by targeting key meridian points. This can enhance energy levels, reduce exhaustion, and promote deeper, restorative sleep. Many patients report feeling more energized and balanced after regular treatments.

Insomnia can be related to an overactive mind or physical imbalances that disrupt sleep patterns. Acupuncture can help by calming the nervous system and regulating hormones such as melatonin, which controls the sleep-wake cycle. By reducing stress, anxiety, and tension, acupuncture encourages a natural and restful sleep, addressing both the symptoms and the underlying causes of insomnia.

Metabolic Disorders
For metabolic disorders, such as hypothyroidism or insulin resistance, acupuncture can support the body in balancing metabolic functions. By targeting specific points related to the spleen, stomach, and liver, acupuncture helps regulate digestion, hormone levels, and energy metabolism. It aids in boosting metabolism, supporting weight loss, and improving overall energy production.

Overall, acupuncture provides a natural and effective way to manage conditions related to energy and metabolism, helping the body restore balance and vitality.